Thursday, March 16, 2023

odds and ends heard via the internet today - and over the air

odds and ends heard via the internet today and heard over the airwaves

Falmouth MA - "Falmouth-EMS" page sent for Amb 458 taking a call in
Falmouth - Amb 458 or maybe 258 was a Sandwich Amb that was filling in
as Falmouth had a working fire - not sure who receives those EMS pages
- maybe Falmouth Hospital - or maybe CMED - or maybe just the onduty
ambulance crews - maybe it just opens the ambulance bay door at HQ

Stamford VT FD pager test by "North Adams Dispatch" at 1703 hours -
heard via eDispatches - was that on 154.31? we should check

Amherst MA FD tested their boxalarm tone set and their student tone
set at 1820 hours - they might do that nightly

Townsend MA just sent out 30A1 to an ems call in Townsend - apparently
their procedure is - any calls in Townsend get handled by the onduty
medic and the onduty emt in a Townsend ambulance (30A1 or maybe 30A2)
- any ALS calls out of town are handled by the medic in a Townsend
SUV (Medic 1)

Jefferson NH had 2 snowmobiles run into each other - NORPAC sent 3
pager tone sets - alerting Lancaster Amb + Jefferson Fire + Jefferson

Washington County Maine sent out pager tones for Addison FD and
Harrington FD - and announced - 'this is not a fire - this is not a
fire - Epping FD, Pleasant Point 50 is requesting a lift assist at xxx
in Columbia Falls' - maybe Epping FD is the new name for those FDs but
they have not changed their alerting procedure - Pleasant Point 50 is
probably one of the local ambulances

Devens MA - doing lots of pager testing today - 'HQ' and 'Fire Alarm'

Northboro MA FD transmitted a 'box alarm' for a medical call -
actually it was a 2nd medical call - in other words - they had 2 EMS
calls underway at the same time - maybe no one was in the station to
handle the 2nd medical call so they paged the offduty staff - iirc the
page was just labeled as Northboro-Fire

Franklin Mass FD transmitted a "shift alarm" for Station 2 - Amb 2 and
Eng 2 responded - PD wanted them to check out someone who had fallen
asleep in a car

1137 am - Mashpee MA FD sent their "Mashpee Recall" pager signal and
then announced that Tanker 358 was back in service - apparently the
Recall pager signal is equivalent to an 'all call' of all Mashpee FD

343 am - Townsend FD sent a pager signal for a call of water leaking
thru a water heater in the basement of some home - guess they woke up
30 people for that

943 am - Bear Lake County Fire Idaho paged the Montpelier FD for a
gas leak call - iirc they have a feed on broadcastify

832 am local - Garfield County Utah tested pagers for BV-Mtn
Amb-504-505 + Tropic-FD + Esc-506-507 + Boulder-FD + Esc-FD - gonna
guess that is Escalante - iirc I have a note from the 1970s that
Escalante just had a hand drawn hose reel

at the Concord Mass 3rd alarm - the portable radios on Engine 4 were -
Engine 4 + 4 Pump + Engine 4 Rider

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