Friday, November 3, 2023

boston mass area - info from / vs radio reference

info from radio reference



Talkgroup (TG) 257 - massport logan - patch for logan ground 121.90 -
this seems to be rare in the USA - an AM aviation band channel patched
to a 800 mhz trs

TG 1089 - MetroFire Admin - no indication that this is patched to UHF


state analog 800 mhz trs

TG 8112 - Massport Areawide - has link to Broadcastify Calls - might
be fire actually

TG 9744 - Massport Tie (Logan Airport Emergency) - might be patched to
453.90 R usually - might be fire only - or maybe it is used by police


Lynn FD

Ch 2 - 482.1625 - shows as mobile only in RRDB - (pretty sure we just
heard Engine 10 come up on 482.1625 R and call in to Fire Alarm - no
reply heard - but pretty sure it is a repeaterized channel - iirc it
always has been a repeatererized channel - just like Ch 1 and Ch 3 -
will listen for a while and see what we hear here from Arlington)

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