Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Cheshire County NH - radio info and such

- fire station map - with dpw and police added


here are the dpw channels

note - all towns have vfds that are dispatched on 154.43 and use
154.385 as fireground - 90% of towns have their own police and they
are all dispatched by the sheriff on 155.07R - some towns have local
police channels also

The City of Keene has their own police and fire channels

each town has their own DPW staffed with 2 to 5 fulltime workers ish -
typically each town has a dpw radio channel - and that dpw channel
serves as a secondary channel for the local police and fire units - in
other words - each fire and police radio in the county most certainly
has at least 1 dpw channel installed - this is unheard of in
california and texas I am sure - but screw them

ambulances are paged on 154.43 and typically operate on 155.715 or 155.205

the dpw line up is -

Alstead - 155.85 82.5 or 453.275 R 136.5

Chesterfield - 156.06 M 192.8 or maybe 155.085 225.7

Dublin - 151.115 R - DPL 516

Fitzwilliam - 154.98 136.5

Gilsum - 159.0075 M

Harrisville - 159.165 136.5

Hinsdale - 155.835 R - 136.5 - maybe just fd on there

Jaffrey - 155.775 R - PL ???

Keene - 158.985 136.5

Marlborough - 151.115 R - PL 136.5

Marlow - 156.015

Nelson - 159.06 R

Richmond - 158.865 136.5

Rindge - 156.18 R 156.7 - pd uses p25 on same freq - (153.80 might be
fd only or maybe dpw uses it also)

Roxbury - ??? - maybe CB - maybe a 1 man shop

Stoddard - ??? - maybe CB

Sullivan - 154.025 136.5

Surry - 154.95 M - 155.145

Swanzey - 153.965 136.5 - maybe 155.40 136.5 also

Troy - 155.985 136.5

Walpole - ? 153.815 136.5 - (? 453.275R from 2002)

Winchester - 151.0025 dpl125 - (154.7925R 136.5 townwide)

(there are no other citys or towns in cheshire county)

any listing with pl or dpl came from rrdb - others came from fcc uls -
tally - 14 or 15 have listed pl or dpl - 5 have no pl listed - 2 might
be cb - so 15 out of 22 are known - thats a pretty good percentage -
around 70%

we have not been able to get into the FCC General Menu Reports to do
more searching - they dont seem to like VPNs

99% of channels are VHF highband - slowly but surely more repeaters
are being added - it is a hilly / mountainous county

yes - 2 dpws have repeaters on 151.115R - and they are close to each
other - but maybe a mtn separates them

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