Tuesday, August 27, 2024

23 min (16.0 mi) via US-3 S

23 min (16.0 mi) via US-3 S - from lowell city hall to lahey clinic in
burlington - per google - driving - via connector and rte 3 to rte 128

lets say someone got shot or stabbed at lowell city hall - would it be
better to drive them to burlington or fly them?

drive times - 0000 start - 0005 - amb at scene - 0010 - amb to hosp -
0033 - amb at hosp

fly times - 0000 start - 0005 - amb at scene - 0007 - amb requests
helo - 0010 - amb heads to lz at lowell general hosp - 0015 - amb
arrives at lz - 0017 - helo goes airborne - 0023 - helo arrives at lZ
- 0028 - helo goes airborne with patient - 0033 - helo arrives at hosp

so its the same either way - interesting - the only way the helo would
be quicker would be if the helo was dispatched at the same time as the
ground ambulance - which might get the patient to the hospital 10
minutes earlier

we are actually just making wild guesses about flight times and
liftoff times - but they feel kinda accurate

keywords - massachusetts

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