Tuesday, August 27, 2024

John O’Keefe’s family files wrongful death lawsuit against Karen Read, two Canton bars

turtleboy talked about this yesterday - he says there is no evidence
that karen read was drunk - there is lots of video showing the
bartender handing her drinks - but none showing her drinking - and if
she drank all those drinks she would be 99% dead - and no one
testified that she was drunk - turtleboy says this is very bad for
the perps since they will be subject to much more intense discovery
process - insurance companys will decide if they settle the suit or
take it to court - these cases are frequently settled before court
because it is very expensive to use lawyers to fight them - tb also
said that Paul OKeefe is a grifter - Paul got $300K from a gofundme
and built an addition to his house - turtleboy was also calling JOK's
mother a c-word

keyword - police corruption

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