Saturday, August 24, 2024

trauma centers are good for the USA

apparently they did not look at real transport time data - they just
created a map that showed the population of various cou ties vs the
road distance to the nearest type 1 or 2 or 3 trauma center - it was
kinda a weak study - but they found a 16% difference between locations
that were 15 minutes from a trauma center vs locations that were 1
hour from a trauma center

we think that the real problem here is that no one except maryland
state police know how to operate a real public safety helo (multi use
helo) that can do police + fire + ambulance work - everyone else does
the stovepipe routine - its either a police helo or a fire helo or a
ems helo - which of course means that coverage is pathetic vs what it
could be

shes got a kid ... together -

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