Monday, September 23, 2024

cumberland maine wanted $1.6M for new radios - 2022

51 page "consultants" report

possibly none of this has been funded yet

no mention of onscene channels

no mention of MO3

repeater site was on FAA radar site - bad idea

DMR proposed plus 2 new tall towers funded by private sources

per page 7 of 51 - the 3 remote receiver sites were in terrible
condition - but fixing them did not improve anything - (probably
because the FB2 site was in a bad remote location)

no mention of DPW and parks freqs - wait - was there? - is 156.12 the
dpw channel? what is the parks channel?

possible zerg90 solutions - MO3 for cops and fire chiefs - need some
FG channels - actually they have 158.76 - never mind - they just need
a SOP to run all fires on 158.76 - 3 steered FB2 sites for FD -
synchro simulcast channel for PD with 3 FB2 (or maybe 3 steered FB2 if
cheap) - or a TRS with 3 sites (that would give the best service

would be nice to include a good topo map - the talk out map shows dead
spots at west and east - and poor in bld penetration in central

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