Friday, September 20, 2024

united nations sept 10


" USSS is the lead Federal Agency responsible for the overall security
plan ▪ FBI is the lead federal agency for crisis management ▪ FEMA is
lead for consequence management planning and coordination"


the guy at the top is biden - he choses 5 people to interact with
directly per standard ICS theology - he should pick - mayor of NYC + 1
pentagon guy + 1 state dept guy + 1 DOJ guy + maybe 1 medical guy /
DHHS / maybe FEMA - whoever he is buddys with

DOJ guy should interact with SS + FBI + whoever maybe FEMA

basically - the way this usually works is - FEMA does the cleanup -
military does the actual fighting - prevention should fall to NSA /
CIA / FBI etc

probably the biggest misconceptions by the public are - all FBI agents
are commandos - FEMA has invisible rescue helicopters - CIA knows
everything about everyone

probably the biggest misconception in public safety ranks is - Secret
Service has magical planning powers - ( why exactly would a bodyguard
agency or counterfeiter agency have magical planning powers? )

the actual plan is simple - protect attendees from airport to hotel to
UN - when something goes wrong - send in swat and hazmat and eod and
DMAT etc

the biggest problem is - everyone has their own hazmat and dmat and
eod and swat teams

the 2nd biggest problem is - its a big big big world with lots and
lots and lots of technology and science

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