Saturday, January 25, 2025

trump is a national treasure

trump runs presser at fire station 69 in los angeles after palisades fire

1:11 on tape - trump starts talking

112 - beautiful (gay) firemen

113 - chimneys came down - really bad

114 - firefighters at a disadvantage - "congratulations sir" - over
100 mph winds - (lol - yeah they were 2 million mph winds)

117 - most expensive disaster in the USA - (the chaos king is drooling
with anticipation over causing even a larger loss)

117 - at least 28 dead THEY SAY

120 - no one said they were disgusted - (damn he is so clever working
that word in there - totally clever dude)

120 - someone met my wife IN A VERY DIFFERENT LANGUAGE

120 - seven years ago I said send water from northern california -
water has been coming from Canada for a million years - ??????

122 - austria and finland rake the forests - they have more flammable
trees - trees melt after inferno or during or something - (Germany is
adding many forest fire trucks due to increased fires - guess they
need more rakes too)

123 - paradise trees were OK - ? full of water ? - up to 100 mph winds
unheard of - (ever hear of a hurricane? - maybe you were in one once -
did the wind go over 100 mph - maybe it did - so you have heard 'of
them' and you actually 'heard' them)

125 - the fire was a genius - ???

125 - I made deal with Olympics - (wasnt there many media storys about
how utterly corrupt the Olympics were?)

132 - "I'll do a great job" - lol

132 - the other President couldnt help you - (2 people clapped - lol)

138 - water the tumbleweeds dammit!

138 - I am out of control - ????

140 - guy says - I saved my house by scooping water out of street
coming from homes above

141 - guy says - FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS NOT PREDEPLOYED - trump ignored
that comment

142 - need special master to watch the recovery funds

143 - large percentage of hydrants not working or had low pressure -

144 - I like it because we are talking about a large amount of money -
(says President Malevolent)

145 - its the same but different

146 - shouldnt have any permits - (Don the Anarchist has entered the chat)

150 - they are not safe now! - (and Trump comes to a screeching halt -
he yelled the quiet part out loud perhaps)

151 - we are the party of common sense - (if the clown shoe fits ...)

154 - give them a 10% bonus - (they probably would end up with all
slum row houses in that case)

154 - guy says - 3400 of 18,000 homes have been rebuilt at Paradise CA
- 1 foot of toxic soil has been scooped out under every home - (Trump
was there at Paradise - and apparently Trump thinks its great that
only 25% of homes have been rebuilt in 7 years - going great!)

158 - FEMA is lousy now - was great when he was President - (Captain
Clueless has entered the chat)

202 - I was a very good builder - lol

203 - guy says - people might not have money to rebuild - (trump
looking for details so he can screw over as many victims as possible
by buying them out)

204 - I read the (news)papers very well - ( interesting comment - iirc
liam nisson on twitter has said many times that trump cant read)

205 - losers should pay legal fees in court cases - yadda

there is probably more but who has time for all this schlock

response time was never mentioned once

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