Tuesday, March 26, 2024

about baltimore city fd and baltimore county fd

baltimore city is protected by the baltimore city fd

baltimore county is served by the baltimore county fd

city has approx 35 stations - county has approx 50 stations - city has
1 heavy rescue truck and 1 big fire boat - county might have 12 heavy
rescue trucks and 3 small fire boats

none of the rescue trucks have cranes - and if they had cranes, there
is no way to pick up the bridge nor the pieces of the bridges

city might have 1 or 2 divers on duty for each shift - maybe on Rescue 1

county probably has zero rescue divers on duty

bridges dont usually fall down so its hard to have a rescue force
standing by just waiting for the big one to happen

state police have 7 helos on 24.7 duty - they all have hoists - but
none ever carry any divers afaik - like nypd does

neither balt city fd not balt county fd has a helo

coast guard might have a rescue helo based in atlantic city nj - they
have a hoist - but no divers

there are multi public safety helos in the dc area but none have divers afaik

shes got a kid ... together -

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