Monday, October 28, 2024

2024 info about NPS structural fire program

why does NE show 4 structural firefighters plus 1 structural fire
truck but no engine company parks? doesn't sandy hook nj have a NPS
structural engine?

why does SE show 6 firefighters and 1 structural fire truck but no
engine company parks? doesnt everglades have 1 structural engine?

what is a compliant firefighter?

The NPS is the nation's steward for over 30,000 structures, totaling
more than 58,000,000 square feet. The bureau also houses the world's
largest system of museums, holding more than 44+ million objects and
specimens, 86,000 linear feet of archives, and 503 collection
facilities. Over 5,000 suppression and detection systems require
inspection, testing, and maintenace (ITM).

something aint right here

apparently they dont have a single firefighter dedicated to structural
fire protection - they are all collateral duty firefighters - such as
custodians and repair men and plumbers etc

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