Sunday, October 20, 2024

usa - emergency terminology

emergency department / emergency room - the part of a hospital where
emergency patients are received - staffed 24/7 - 99% of hospitals have
at least 1 MD in the ED 24/7

emergency management agency - a agency that deals with / plans for
'major disasters'

trauma center - a hospital that has a surgeon ready to work 24/7

EMS = emergency medical service = ambulance service

highway patrol = state patrol = state police - basically all the same
thing - except that some major city PDs have their own highway patrol
- such as NYPD - they patrol the limited access highways in the city

urgent care center - typically open daylight hours only - many are
weekdays only - staffed usually by a Physician's Assistant (PA) or a
Nurse Practitioner (NP) - both of those have 4 years of college
training iirc - most urgent care centers seem to also have basic xray
equipment and basic lab equipment

emergency medical technician = ambulance attendant - with anywhere
from 100 to 1000 hours of training

advanced life support / als = paramedics = EMTs with 1,000 hours of
training ish - can start IVs and give some meds

basic life support / bls = EMTs with 100 hours of training - cannot
start IVs and do not give drugs except epi and glucose

inter facility transfer unit - a ground ambulance with highly trained
staff who move the most critical patients to upper level hospitals -
sometimes called critical care ambulances

fire service = the wide spectrum of fire departments - public +
private + wildland + military etc

fire department - 1 agency with 1 chief and 1 budget

fire station - a building that has fire trucks in or near it

sheriff's department - a countywide police agency - nearly every (if
not every) county in the USA has a sheriff's department / sheriffs
office - alaska boroughs do not have sheriffs iirc - so that is 1
state that is different - pretty sure that all the other 49 states in
the usa have sheriffs - except maybe Hawaii - they might have County
Police or Island Police or Dolphin Police

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