Sunday, July 30, 2023

dispatch centers - redding calif area

shascom dispatches - shasta county sheriff + redding PD + redding FD +
county ems (2 private providers) + anderson pd

redding interagency dispatch center dispatches - shasta county fire
(the local FDs) + cal fire shasta county + cal fire trinity county +
shasta trinity natl forest + ? medevac helos ?

trinity county sheriff dispatches - all trinity county police + all
trinity county VFDs + all trinity county ems agencies

siskiyou county 911 - dispatches everyone in siskiyou county except
usfs + chp + county fire units

yreka fire dispatch center - dispatches klamath natl forest + siskiyou
county fire (all of the local government fire agencies) + cal fire
siskiyou + medevac helo?

refresh - california / usa terminology - federal agency is usfs or fbi
or nps etc - state agency is chp or caltrans or cal fire etc - local
agency is a county or city or district - private agency is private
ambulances or call when needed wildfire units etc (privately owned
equipment + privately paid staff - but often being paid with public
funds under a written service contract of some sort)

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