Sunday, July 28, 2024

Re: minami Battalion has 3 paid stations - yokohama japan

big correction - minami battalion has 4 paid stations - we forgot to
list the battalion HQ station - the battalion hq has 2 engines and 2
ambulances and 1 chief van and 2 motorcycles and 1 mini engine and 1
hose truck and 1 ladder - per

there are exactly 7 volunteer stations in the battalion also - maybe

the engine at the mutsugawa station is a rescue / engine - the
battalion does not have a dedicated rescue truck it seems

minami fire brigade (the volunteers) have 28 portable pumps - 22
buildings - 21 mini engines - 377 vols - 25% female - they were formed
in 2010 by the merger of 2 different vfds

apparently - if there are 22 volunteer fire stations - and my map only
shows 7 - then we are missing 15 of them - yikes

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