Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Re: tokyo - small vol FD locker on street corner

here is another one a couple of miles away - notice that it has a
cistern also - so they probably have a portable pump and a bunch of
hose in there - great for handling post quake conflagrations - in

there is a paid sta and a vol sta within 1,000 feet of this locker

On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 9:26 AM Peteri Szerlagi <> wrote:
> you can see the vfd logo on it
> has card reader or intercom also
> people need to bend over when going inside - its long but low - maybe
> just 1 portable pump on wheels and some breaker bars in there - maybe
> some helmets and radios and fire coats also
> this is on the very northern edge of tokyo - next to a river - 1/4
> mile from a regular volunteer station (1 bay 2 floors - maybe with a
> mini engine)
> --
> shes got a kid ... together -

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