Wednesday, October 23, 2024

another Vit D study - info from Dr John Campbell

Vit D really is good for you - even can help clear your arteries
apparently - bottom line - 10K units for a couple of weeks if
deficient - then 5K per day - there is more info in the comments

Dr C would really really really like to call all the politicians and
health department leaders a bunch of rat bastards - but he wont

he really really really seems to be saying that the jabs are not
necessary - he said he probably wont get the latest covid jab

I need to figure out how often one needs to be tested for Vitamin D
levels and how fast they can change

maybe a good idea is to take some fast acting Vit D / calcidiole (?)
when you feel sickness coming on - iirc you can buy it on Amazon for
$25 - dr campbell mentions it again in this video

20 minute video

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