Thursday, October 24, 2024

LAFD guarantees 0% chance of survival

calltaking 1 minute

turnout 1 minute

travel time 5 minutes

add 1 minute for 911 call transfer

add 2 minutes to reach patients in apartment complexes and highrises
(patient contact)

total response time is actually 10 minutes - PLUS - whatever time
elapses between beginning of the emergency and the call to 911

There is a purported 10% drop in the 'save rate' for every minute
without CPR - ( actually maybe it is 60% loss rate for any response
time over 2 minutes when CPR is required - from an old hospital study
done in Italy )

QUESTION - what does it take to get LAFD from a 10 minute average
response time to a 2 minute average response time? without breaking
the bank

1. route 911 calls directly to field units - totally possible - the
911 system knows exactly where each call is coming from INSTANTLY

2. have units on patrol instead of sleeping in a fire station

3. LAFD ambulances are staffed by firefighters but they carry no
firefighting equipment save for maybe 1 small fire extinguisher - the
LAFD ambulances essentially serve as extra manpower for all fires -
but they are not equipped to even extinguish a Xmas tree fire - this
could be rectified by using CAFS backpacks like Singapore - OMG

4. Does LAFD have Opticom or Red Wave? I dont think they do. Red Wave
or Opticom would change the traffic lights to green for them.

5. How much time does LAFD ambulances waste sitting around at
hospitals trying to unload patients? (iirc this is being addressed in
2024 with EMT liaison officers at hospitals)

6. a typical LAFD station at 3 am has 12 people sleeping at one
location - if there were 12 people on patrol on motorbikes then travel
time would be cut 12 times - travel times would essentially drop from
5 minutes to 30 seconds - purely based on statistics / reality

Therefore - LAFD could have an average response time of - 5 seconds
for dispatch - 0 seconds for turnout time - 30 seconds for travel time
- 1.5 minutes to access patient - yielding an average response time of
TWO MINUTES - which translates to an 80% save rate

oh yeah baby

Note - this info actually applies to every place on Earth - except
that in colder climates they will need to use skimobiles in winter
instead of motor bikes

Note - maybe the police and EMS in South America, Africa, and Asia
already make extensive use of motor bikes - but we do know that fire
departments in North America do not use motor bikes - Nantucket might
have had 2 of them 30 years ago - but they are apparently long gone

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