Saturday, October 26, 2024

Logan Airport - live shooter drill - boston mass - oct 23 2024

drill starts at 700 on the tape

tape starts at 1204 am - therefore the drill started at 1211 am

bapern 4 radio traffic - 470.5625 R - that is the 2ndary police mutual
aid channel for the boston area - typically used for special events -
also used for a backup channel when some small pd loses their main

logan airport is protected by Troop F of the Massachusetts State
Police - they have their own dispatch office

7:00 on this tape - boston to state logan - receiving multi calls for
shots fired at terminal c

station h block all roads coming into airport - ( station H is the MSP
unit that has state police stations throughout the boston area - they
primarily patrol highways and parkways )

logan requests mutual aid - revere sends 3 cops - boston sending multi cops

shooter down

leave roads open for EMS - bring medical bags

tape is from Broadcastify

revere and boston pd use uhf - msp uses 800T

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