Monday, July 17, 2023

2 from Mass. dead after dirt bike crashes into SUV near Wareham Plaza

First responders found both victims, identified as Robert Stolker, 17,
of Woburn, and Brady Petrucci, 20, of Raynham, unresponsive in the
roadway suffering from serious injuries. Stalker and Petrucci were
transported to Tobey Hospital, where they were both pronounced dead.

One woman who saw the crash happen stayed with the young men until help arrived.

"I got out of my car. It was just a horrifying scene. It was just
horrifying. They were just laying there, asking for help," Yajaira
Gonzales said.


gonna take a wild guess here - they knew they were close to a hospital
- they knew how to dial 911 - they thought that if anything went
wrong, they would be saved

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