Monday, July 1, 2024

Ruidoso NM - update on south fork fire

"BIA - Mescalero Agency. Started 06/17/24. Undetermined Cause. Ruidoso Area.

17569 acres . Primary Fuel Model: Brush (2 feet). SUPPRESSION strategy
(100% Full Suppression). Currently 84% contained - anticipating
containment 07/15/24. Minimal fire behavior (Smoldering). Projected
Activity: Continued smoldering of individual isolated charred logs.
Less cloud cover will allow more direct sunlight to affect the burned
area allowing for a slight increase in smoldering and consumption of
residual heat sources.
Structures: Threatened: 8000; Damaged: 197; Destroyed: 1391
Resources Assigned: 3 Crew Camp; 4 Crew Type 1; 1 Crew Type 2IA; 1
Dozer; 4 Engine Type 3; ; 3 Engine Type 5; 13 Engine Type 6; 1
Helicopter Type 1; 1 Helicopter Type 2; Total Personnel: 493
Critical Resource Needs: None
Incident Management: CIMT - Mark Bernal IC
Report Submitted: - 06/30/2024-18:13
IR: 07/01/24 0200; Acres: 17557; Growth: 0 acres. Notes: Weather
conditions had a negligible effect upon analysis. The interpreters
were able to designate the fire perimeter and isolated fires with no
difficulty. No areas of intense fire were detected. No areas of
scattered fire were detected. Several isolated fires were detected
within the perimeter.


many news articles are reporting 500 homes destroyed

shes got a kid ... together -

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