460.60 - the dispatcher definitely cannot hear field units when they
are transmitting on 460.60 - we could hear them talking past each
other today - the field unit could hear the dispatcher but the
dispatcher could not hear the field unit
we had always suspected that this was the case - but this confirmed it
this setup did lead to a miscommunication but it was innocuous - let
me memorialize the conversation
engine 1 was inspecting hydrants
fire alarm to engine 1 respond to 55 main st for a barbecue
engine portable to engine 1 - meet me on sparrow st - (on direct / talkaround)
engine 1 driver says OK
the dispatcher thought that engine 1 driver was saying OK to him when
engine 1 driver was actually replying to engine 1 portable
didnt make any difference but was a prime example of what can go wrong
if you cant understand this - then go back and review what "direct" means
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