Saturday, March 30, 2019

90 minutes of Trump BS - Trump rally in Michigan

you really really need to listen to all of this - the guy is insane

I suspect that 99% of it is total BS

no collusion at front - thinly veiled threats - 'you are tough' - etc

song at end - 'you cant always get what you want' - ???????

new car factories are pouring into Michigan - really?

he jumps from China to Mexico wall - was he thinking of the Great Wall of China?

media bad - except when they didnt publish dossier - ????????

Wall Street is up 50% - great for 401Ks - really?

"drain the swamp" and 'guns for everybody' - big hits

"Crooked Hillary" but no mention of "lock her up" - how can a crowd be
so stupid?

Obama got big booos - probably the only black guy mentioned

trying very hard to seem progressive on health insurance - good luck with that

366,000 views via Fox News - I bet that only 2% watched the entire speech

10 times worse than Grandpa Simpson - but he only flubbed 1 or 2 words
- but his emphasis was way off at times; and he seemed to
mumble/ramble into oblivion at times

what is that thing glued to his head? - note the view from the rear
(at beginning of tape)

was EVERYONE in the crowd white except for that black actor with the
high five by the podium?

at least one GLARING OMISSION - I will get into that later

1 comment:


    If I was Trump and I had just been cleared of collusion - I would say - I meant to say 'Would' when I said it - but I had to change it to 'Wouldn't' because I was threatened by the deep state - they threatened to kill me and my family (or do a coup or whatever)

    But Trump didnt do that - he made absolutely no mention of would vs wouldnt - so he leaves the most damning piece of evidence against him in play - and further digs himself into a hole by not addressing it
