Sunday, March 3, 2019

Airport Disaster Plans - thinking outloud

Airport Disaster Plans - thinking outloud

After a major crash -

1. dispatch crash crews and mutual aid units to scene

2. make announcements in secured areas of terminals - anyone who is EMS trained report to rally point in terminal - gather AEDs and first aid supplies - from planes and terminals - take to crash scene

3. go to local private ambulance garages - get all ambulances heading toward scene - even if staffed by non EMS people - just need 1 driver per ambulance

4. notify all medevac units in the region - have them respond with extra doctors and supplies - have medevac units land away from the crash scene - maybe at airport fire station or airport helipad or FBO etc

5. notify local hospitals of crash - if 1,000 victims then I guess you need to notify enough hospitals to handle 1,000 victims

6. even airport cargo vans can be used as ambulances if patients are on backboards and have received initial EMS care (airway - stop the bleed - cool the burn - etc) - but they need to go to close hospitals

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