Friday, March 1, 2019

If Cohen's testimony was a con job

If Cohen's testimony was a con, what would it look like?

It would probably contain some information that looks and sounds
scandalous, but which would be actually legally innocuous.

The testimony would probably also contain some major arguments which
were presented as minor points. These major arguments would probably
be totally false.


What if the 'heroic' committee chairman was also a huge con man? What
if his good 'friend' on the committee was also a major conman - and
racist? Why would they tearfully proclaim their love for each other in
a fully televised "public meeting"?

"Public meeting" - a legal term - a meeting with preset parameters
mandated by the rule of law. Which could be perverted by a finely
tuned shitshow.


Any police detectives out there? Isnt one of the best investigatory
techniques to get the witness riled up? Did not seem that Cohen ever
got riled up during his public testimony. What did he say in secret
testimony during the 2nd day?

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